Page 20 - Mature Students' Handbook - Aston University

Aston University Nursery
Aston University Nursery provides nursery care for children aged 6 weeks
to 5 years all year round and Holiday Care for children aged 4 ½ to 11 yrs
old during school holidays. The Nursery is located on Venture Way in the
Birmingham Science Park Aston. This is just a short walk from the Aston
University Campus and there are plenty of drop-off and collection parking
spaces for parents and carers.
The Nursery gives Aston University students’ children priority when allocating
vacant University places. When this need has been met places are offered to
the children of University staff and only then if there are still places available,
places are allocated to members of the general public with priority given to
those seeking full time and full year places. When admitting a child with special
needs the Nursery endeavours to meet the child’s individual needs with
appropriate staffing levels and resources. Each child’s needs are assessed and
discussed with their Parents/Carers and keyworker. Parents are encouraged to
have settling in visits with their child before they start.
Please contact Donna Cooper, the Nursery Manager,
for up to date prices and further information:
0121 204 4562
Aston University Nursery
Unit 5 Venture Way
Birmingham Science Park Aston
Birmingham, B7 4AP
As a mature student with family
commitments, you may find it
challenging at times but don’t let this
pull you down, there is a lot of support
and you will soon find your feet.”
Final year Mechanical Engineering student