Page 2 - Mature Students' Handbook - Aston University

Welcome to Aston University!
We are delighted to welcome you to Aston University. Aston offers a
superb environment for mature students and has a strong belief in
opportunities and the power of higher education to transform lives.
Aston prides itself on treating all students equally and you will be joining
a diverse community of students who represent over 120 nationalities
and wide range of social backgrounds.
As a mature student you may be returning to education after a period of time,
you may have been busy working or travelling, raising a family, you may be
training for a new career or simply looking for a new challenge; Whatever your
story, we want to help you make the most of your time here at Aston University,
and take advantage of all the opportunities open to you.
We hope you will enjoy your time with us.
The Learner Enhancement Team